Doom Eternal Is Cancelling Invasions And Adding A New Mode


Saptarshi Mozumdar


Jul, 05.2021

Doom is a series of first person shooter that revolves around slaying hordes of monsters coming at you. The first Doom game came out in 1993 and even now, almost 18 years down the line, the Doom series is not yet over. Doom Eternal is by far the latest game in the series. Now, it seems that there are going to be some significant changes in Doom Eternal. Invasions are something that a lot of players have been waiting for. Invasion just as the name sounds, is invading other player’s session, and going against them in the form of one of the Hell’s demons. However, now it seems that it is not really going to happen. According to one of the latest tweets, the Invasions are being canceled from the game, and instead of that, we are getting a new horde mode.

Check out the tweet below:

An important update on the development of DOOM Eternal from id Software Executive Producer Marty Stratton.

— id Software (@idSoftware) July 2, 2021

So, yes this is going to be completely opposite to the PvP aspect of the Invasion. As, this horde mode will be PvE mode. But, it will be brand new, so there is a good amount of stuff to look forward to. According to the tweet, this is being done due to the pandemic, and the work from home. That is definitely resulting in slowed progression, and the team has also noticed that most of the players love Doom Eternal for its combat and gameplay. That is why they have decided to add a new horde PvE mode instead of going forward with the PvP Invasion Mode.

And, that is not all, apart from a new horde PvE mode. The developer also plans on revamping its 2v1 asymmetrical Battlemode. New maps, balance changes are few things that are definitely expected. So, that is definitely some update on the PvP aspect of the game.

So, yes it is indeed disheartening for those who were waiting for the Invasion Mode. However, for those who love Doom for the sheer chaos and killing the demons, the game is going to get even more enjoyable with its new horde mode.