Check On One More Classic Apogee Platformer Has Just Received HD Treatment


Soumi Sarkar


Jul, 03.2021

Apogee Entertainment is a renowned name in the gaming world and it has today something exciting to
offer for fans. It has come up with a surprise release of an HD remaster of Secret Agent. Fans will
recollect that it was an action platformer, which was originally released in the year 1992. It was just last
year they had a Crystal Caves HD revamp and this latest offering has similarities to that one. There is
plenty to expect beyond just the HD graphics. The original graphics are surely in the offering and this
time, there are a staggering 16 more of them. A gaming fan can expect new enemies, powerups, and
plenty more. The offerings from this remaster never seem to end and one can look forward to the presence
of a level editor through Steam Workshop, online leaderboards, and certainly a new soundtrack. A fan or
participant has the scope to toggle between the old AdLib soundtrack and the new one. 
We picked up from sources in the developer team that Secret Agent used the same engines as Crystal
Caves. Plenty of you might just feel that it is just a sci-fi take on that slightly older game. We also got
some hints into the storyline of Secret Agent and the lead character here is “Agent 006”. It is all about his
story and the adventure he faces. His challenge is against the Diabolical Villain Society, and heavy,
philosophical stuff.
The original game was really fun and old-timers in the gaming industry loved to play it.  Has the
remastered version of the game lived up to expectations>? This is a question, which is sure to be in the
minds of gaming fans. It is unless you experience it in person it would be tough to guess. However, what
inspires us was the initial sight of the pixel. The art is still lovely and there has not been much change in
the new HD style. 
The game is today live on Steam but there is a price tag attached to it.  The quote is cheap and it is only
$8 / £5.79 / AU$11.50. Therefore, it is without having to shell out much, you get to enjoy a gaming
experience from the olden days.  It is despite being a remastered version; it has the element of thrill,
suspense as that of the original game. Fans are sure to enjoy the gaming experience a lot.