Bungie Ruins Banned Destiny 2 Streamer Who Denies Indulging In Cheating


Soumi Sarkar


Jul, 01.2021

It was sometime at the end of 2019 that Destiny 2 hopped from Battle.net to Steam. Something was
happening alongside the hop and coinciding with the hop, the number of participants cheating simply
ballooned. The data at that time shows that plenty of players suddenly showed an uptick in the records.
There were plenty of players who went from a 0.5 K/D to a 2.5, 3.5, or even higher. You could be left
wondering about the reasons for this sudden uptick. However, Bungie has a different version of the
reasons for this spurt up and had to say that cheating went up roughly in the range of 50% for the first
four months of 2021. A bulk of this cheating was on PC and since then Bungie has done a lot. Its first
function has been to shut down cheat-seller PerfectAim. They have also teamed up with Riot to take legal
action against GatorCheats. 
Have you been playing the Trials of Osiris mode on weekends? It will not take much time for players to
guess that Destiny 2 has a cheating problem. Bungie is aware of the fact and has taken the necessary
steps. They are serious, to do away with cheating and even famous players such as renowned content
creators have not be spared from their ban hammer. A Destiny 2 YouTube professional by the name of
BakenGangsta found it out the tough away. Here is an update on the tussle he had with Bungie and the
pitfalls of his misadventure. 
This renowned YouTube professional was banned for the second time and he claimed his innocence via a
tweet. He claimed that it was ridiculous and insisted that people at Bungie look into it. His tweet went to
say that people have been cheating for months and yet playing the game. The reply to his tweet came
from none other than Bungie's senior community manager Dylan Gafner. He had to say that bans were
issued for some valid reasons and the team validates the action multiple times before the ban. He also did
the function of linking Bungie's account restrictions and ban implementation policies page.
However, that was not enough and Baken continued to press his case. He insisted on seeing the poof of
actions, which resulted in the ban. It was playing out on social media and Gafner then replied that they
had detected two of his accounts, which used cheat suits while playing Destiny 2. They had banned 4
accounts in total, which also includes a ban evasion. The message was clear that even if have a fan
following they are not going to tolerate unfair play.