Borderlands 3 Crossplay Is Here


Saptarshi Mozumdar


Jun, 25.2021

Borderlands 3 is a game that is almost two years old now. However, still continues to be a very popular game with lots of regular players. Furthermore, the devs keep on adding new DLC, and new content to keep the experience fresh, and enjoyable even for those who have been playing it since day one. However, now a big new patch is out for the game. And, with it, there are a lot of new changes. However, among all of these changes is the addition of the crossplay feature.

Crossplay would allow users from different platforms to play together. So, with this latest update players from PC (both Steam, and Epic Games Store), Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Mac, and Stadia to play together. You might be wondering why is PlayStation not mentioned here. Well, it is because PlayStation does not have it. A few weeks also ago, we also had an article that talked about how GearBox has crossplay ready, but PlayStation players would miss out on it due to Sony’s policy.

The way crossplay got integrated into Borderlands 3 is through SHiFT Matchamking. By this GearBox means that you would have to opt-in for the very first time. Once that gets done, crossplay will be enabled and you can play with your friends even if they are from different platforms, except the PlayStation. The players would have to select a unique crossplay name. It has to be within 3-16 characters in length, and must start with a letter and the name can only contain alphabets, numbers and non-consecutive underscore, hyphen, or period/full-stop characters.

Crossplay is not the only thing that we got in this update. The level cap has also been increased to 72 now. The Revengenance of Revenge of the Cartels is also live now. Furthermore, there is also a toggle for seasonal events. Not to mention, there are also various tweaks and fixes.

So, to sum it all up, there is a lot of new stuff that has happened with Borderlands 3. For those who wanted to play Borderlands 3 with their friends from different platforms, they can do it now. Except for the ones that are on the PlayStation sadly. It is unknown when will there be an update for the PlayStation.

Check out the entire list of patch notes on Borderlands 3’s official site. Click here to check that out.