Three Uncommon Game Boy Advance Titles Are Added To Nintendo Switch Online


Prithhis Bose


Jul, 12.2024

Three Starfy series Game Boy Advance exclusive to Japan will be available on Nintendo Switch Online. A few ardent Game Boy Advance fans have demanded that the Starfy series be brought back on the Nintendo Switch, despite the fact that the majority of Western fans would not be familiar with the title. Although the franchise has had a number of titles under its name, the title's sole non-Japan exclusive release was made available for the DS back in 2009. The game's original interpretation of an underwater platformer was what kept it engaging.

It makes sense for Nintendo to want to delve into the extensive past in order to create experiences that the Switch can only offer, especially since the firm is promoting its Nintendo Switch Online service. Nintendo Switch Online regularly highlights titles like Mario and Zelda, but there are actually a lot more IP that Nintendo can use, as evidenced by the recent additions, which suggest that even games from the past can have a resurgence.

On 12th July, Nintendo Switch Online will add three Densetsu no Starfy titles to its library. The three titles are being released for the first time in the western market. Nintendo made a wise decision in launching the brand and giving non-Japanese players a fresh gaming experience. Even with the titles' non-English content, Nintendo can still easily add new titles to the service that gamers haven't actually played much anywhere else. A like circumstance arose at the beginning of July when Nintendo Switch Online added seven NES titles, including The Mystery of Atlantis, another exclusive to Japan.

The Legendary Starfy for the DS may hopefully be added in the future now that the three Starfy titles have joined Nintendo Switch Online. If Nintendo does ultimately decide to add DS games to Nintendo Switch Online, that is very likely to happen. The dual screen feature of the DS may have made the mechanics more complex than normal, but the Wii U did contain some Virtual Console titles from the handheld. Although the games might be playable on the Switch thanks to its hardware, one of the main obstacles could be how the games are presented.

Of course, there are a ton of additional DS titles that ought to come to the Switch. Even while they aren't as obscure and distinctive as the Starfy series, porting DS games to the Switch might pave the way for other, more traditional games. The Nintendo DS has a good number of games that are suitable for single-screen play. Many of those classics could still be played on Nintendo's current hardware thanks to the touch screen technology of the Switch.