Manor Lords: How to Win (Victory Conditions) in the Game


Prithhis Bose


May, 09.2024

Three scenarios are available for selection when you launch a new Manor Lords game. You may finish two of them by developing a single colony into a significant town, but the final one requires you to extend your influence throughout the entire map. 

Last but not least, "Restoring the Peace" is a challenging scenario where you will face off against a powerful but far-far baron as well as the bandits that frequently appear in the map's unoccupied corners. With a well-trained militia, you can repel the baron's soldiers and increase your influence from a single town, but if you want to win the game, you'll need to expand to several settlements and take advantage of your manor's fortifications.

In the Manor Lords 0.7 build, there are three scenarios available for selection: "Rise to Prosperity," "Restoring the Peace," and "On the Edge." Additionally, you can customize the settings below the three templates to create your own scenario. 

"Restoring the Peace" presents the most difficult test out of the three. While "On the Edge" offers additional difficulties like raiders and bandit camps, "Rise to Prosperity" allows you to construct your towns in peace. The enemies in "Restoring the Peace" are off-map and will continuously attempt to spread around the map, along with bandits and raiders. Furthermore, "Restoring the Peace" can only be defeated by claiming every enemy region as your own, whereas the first two scenarios terminate when one of your settlements achieves the Large Town milestone.

As a result, all it takes to defeat "Rise to Prosperity" and "On the Edge" is to simply construct a robust town and fulfill every Burgage Plot prerequisite set forth by the Large Town feat. They are as follows: 

30 at least at level 1

20 or more at level 2. 

fifteen at least at level three

In total, a level 3 burglary plot needs: 

Ten Wooden Planks Eight Boards 

Four Roof Tiles, Twenty-five Local Wealth, A Well, and a Little Stone Church 

A provided tavern 

  • Fuel availability (Firewood or Charcoal) 
  • Three different meal varieties are available 
  • Availability of Yarn, Leather, or Linen 
  • Possession of Clothes, Shoes, or Cloaks

While some of these needs are simple to obtain or maintain, others may present difficulties. 

Since one unit of clay yields one unit of roof tiles, it should be possible to construct the Small Stone Church and fifteen level three burglary plots from even a small clay deposit.

A tavern's alcohol inventory depletes unexpectedly quickly, so you might have to import the barley, malt, or ale you require to keep it supplied and the peasants occupied. 

For Burgage Plots to have enough water, wells don't always need to be right next to them. 

Instead of granaries or storehouses, the Marketplace is where citizens purchase their products. Plots should direct players toward the Marketplace if you don't want them to run out of supplies.

Shoes are the simplest to produce out of the three advanced clothing types because they just need leather. 

You should have no problem expanding your colony into a Large Town and winning these two scenarios if you can manage all of these problems. With raiders and bandit camps, "On the Edge" adds more complexity, but a few strong militia units and a retinue will keep your area secure enough to complete the milestone. Regarding "Restoring the Peace," Influence is the first additional element you should be aware of.