Star Wars Icons Join LEGO Fortnite in Epic Crossover


Moin Khot


Jan, 02.2024

LEGO Fortnite fans have another reason to celebrate as iconic Star Wars characters make a dazzling return to the virtual battlefield. Brace yourselves for the arrival of Rey, Zorii Bliss, Kylo Ren, and the Sith Trooper, all ready to conquer LEGO Fortnite with their distinctive block-type variations.

The Force is strong with this latest drop, expanding the roster of Star Wars skins accessible in the expansive world of Fortnite. Fans can immerse themselves in the intergalactic saga by adorning their avatars with these legendary characters, adding a touch of Star Wars flair to their gaming experience.

Contrary to initial concerns over certain branded IPs not making the cut for LEGO Fortnite outfits, the return of these four Star Wars favorites confirms that the galaxy far, far away is very much part of the LEGO Fortnite universe. Epic Games has quelled any doubts, ensuring that Star Wars enthusiasts can fully embrace their favorite looks within the game.

For those yet to bolster their collection, a strategic move awaits. Opt for the Rise of Skywalker Bundle, a cost-effective choice that bundles Rey, Sith Trooper, and Finn for the price of 3,500 V-Bucks. This exclusive package offers significant savings compared to the individual purchase of each skin at 1,500 V-Bucks apiece.

This expansion builds upon last week's introduction of classic Star Wars personas such as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Princess Leia to the LEGO Fortnite realm. The ever-growing collaboration hints at LEGO Fortnite evolving into a virtual playground for Star Wars aficionados. Imagine the thrill of constructing builds inspired by iconic Star Wars locations and vehicles in the LEGO Fortnite landscape—an uncharted dream that could one day become a reality.

Also read: LEGO Fortnite Might Soon Get Assault Rifle, Gravity Gun, and More Weapons

As the LEGO Fortnite universe continues to flourish, offering a crossroads for Star Wars devotees and gaming enthusiasts alike, the prospect of new adventures set against the backdrop of beloved Star Wars elements tantalizes the imagination. While official announcements are yet to confirm such developments, the dream persists for LEGO Fortnite to become not just a game but a boundless exploration of the Star Wars universe.