The Best Weapon Loadouts for Vikendi in BGMI: A Detailed Guide


Moin Khot


Nov, 08.2023

Vikendi, the snow-covered mid-sized map in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), presents a unique set of challenges that require a well-thought-out weapon loadout. The specific terrain and topography that Vikendi has, usually brings close-range or mid-range fights, and long-range fights are a rarity. Hence, Vikendi requires a loadout that specializes in such combats. Your choice of weaponry can be the decisive factor between victory and defeat. In this guide, we'll reveal the top three weapon loadouts that will give you the upper hand on Vikendi and help you outgun your opponents. 

Top 3 Weapon Loadouts To Pick on Vikendi in BGMI

 Following are the top 3 loadouts to pick on Vikendi in BGMI. 

Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) + SMG:

Vikendi's mix of open fields and mid-range engagements makes the DMR and SMG combination an excellent choice. Equip yourself with a DMR like the Mini 14 or SLR for precise long-range shots. These rifles excel at delivering accurate shots, which is crucial when you need to engage opponents across the snowy landscape. Complement your DMR with an SMG for close to medium-range combat. This combination ensures you're well-prepared for both long-distance sniping and quick, close-quarters encounters.

Sub-Machine Gun (SMG) + Sniper Rifle (SR):

For those who prefer to mix things up on Vikendi, pairing an SMG with a Sniper Rifle is a dynamic approach. Start with an SMG like the UMP45 or Vector, ideal for close-quarters battles. The SMG's rate of fire and mobility are assets when navigating through buildings and tight spaces. When you find yourself needing to pick off opponents at a distance, switch to a Sniper Rifle, such as the AWM or Kar98k, to secure those long-range shots. This combination offers the flexibility to handle encounters both indoors and across Vikendi's expansive landscapes.

Dual SMG:

A unique approach tailored for Vikendi is the dual SMG setup. Vikendi's diverse terrain often includes urban environments and open fields, making the dual SMG configuration a compelling choice. Equip two SMGs like the UMP45 and Thompson to dominate close-quarters engagements. The high rate of fire and mobility of SMGs makes them perfect for clearing buildings and confined spaces, giving you the upper hand in urban combat. While not ideal for long-range confrontations, this loadout excels in Vikendi's close-quarters battles.

In Vikendi's snow-covered landscape, your weapon loadout can be the key to triumph. Experiment with these top three loadouts to discover the one that best suits your playstyle. Keep in mind that the situation can change rapidly, so be ready to adapt your strategy as the circle shrinks and the engagement distances evolve.