LoL Patch 13.13 Early Patch Notes Shows Champion Changes, Item Adjustments, and More


Moin Khot


Jun, 21.2023

League of Legends players can brace themselves for the upcoming Patch 13.13, which promises to bring several changes to the game. This article highlights the key elements of the patch, focusing on champion buffs, nerfs, item adjustments, and exciting new skins.

LoL Patch 13.13 Early Patch Notes Highlights

Following are the important highlights from the LoL Patch 13.13 Early Patch Note.

Champion Changes

In Patch 13.13, Riot Games aims to stabilize the game rather than introducing major Season 13 pivots. Lee Sin and Nidalee are the fortunate champions receiving buffs, while a host of others face nerfs. The list of nerfed champions includes Aphelios, Neeko, Wukong, Vi, Kindred, and more. These adjustments are intended to create a healthier meta and enhance the overall balance of the game.

Item Adjustments

The patch also introduces adjustments to several items. Stattik Shiv, known for its powerful minion damage, will see its AP ratio reduced. Essence Reaver will undergo changes to its spellblade attack damage ratio, while Duskblade of Draktharr will be modified to affect champions like Samira and Katarina differently. Stormrazor's base damage will receive an increase, and its attack damage ratio will be reduced. Notably, the item will no longer scale with ability power.

Summoner Spell Nerf

One significant change in Patch 13.13 is the nerf to the Ghost summoner spell. Its cooldown will be increased from 210 to 240 seconds. This adjustment aims to bring better balance to the gameplay and encourage more strategic decision-making regarding summoner spells.

Focus on Stabilization

Riot Games plans to let the meta naturally evolve and play out during this three-week patch cycle. By focusing on stabilization, the developers aim to ensure a healthier and more balanced environment for players to enjoy.

Exciting New Skins

As is customary in League of Legends updates, Patch 13.13 brings new skins to the game. Players can look forward to the release of Elderwood Karthus, Star Guardian Orianna, Star Guardian Seraphine, Elderwood Wukong, and the highly coveted Victorious Anivia skin. These skins add visual variety and excitement to the game, allowing players to customize their champions and showcase their individuality.

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It is important to note that this article only covers the highlights from LoL Patch 13.13 Early Patch Notes and the patch brings much more to the game. To read detailed patch notes, click here to visit the official patch notes.