TFT Patch 13.12: Runeterrra Reforged Unleashes Exciting Updates and Mechanics


Moin Khot


Jun, 14.2023

The highly anticipated Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Patch 13.12 has arrived, bringing with it Set Nine: Runeterrra Reforged. Packed with new systems, mechanics, cosmetics, and more, this update promises to take TFT to new heights. Let's explore the highlights of the patch, which has been eagerly awaited by players around the world.

TFT Patch 13.12 Highlights

Following are the highlights of the TFT Patch 13.12:

Ranked Season and Rewards

TFT Set Nine introduces a fresh ranked season, where players' previous ranks determine their starting point. The first five matches are provisional, ensuring players can't lose LP and rewarding those who finish in the top four. Rewards await Gold and higher ranks from the previous set, including celebratory emotes and exclusive Little Legends. The popular Double Up and Hyper Roll modes also offer unique emotes for participants.

New Mechanics: Region Portals and Legends 

Set Nine introduces two exciting mechanics: Region Portals and Legends. Region Portals replace the opening Carousel, allowing players to choose from 11 portals, each offering specific Augments throughout the game. Legends, on the other hand, let players select a League Legend before entering a lobby, providing safe Augment choices at various stages. These additions enhance strategic decision-making and add depth to gameplay.

System Changes and Quality-of-Life Improvements

Patch 13.12 brings several system changes to TFT. Inspect panels offer champion stats, abilities, and positioning recommendations, making it easier for new and casual players to understand the game. Riot's API policy change prevents third-party sites from reporting specific Augment and Legend win rates, promoting a more organic meta. The addition of new symbols in the panels ensures information is easily digestible at a glance, enhancing the overall user experience.

XP and Overtime Adjustments 

The XP requirements to level up have been adjusted at levels six, seven, eight, and nine to align with the econ Augments and Region Portals that offer additional gold. Additionally, champions now gain movement speed and increased attack damage when overtime triggers, making battles even more intense and dynamic.

Augments and Item Changes

Over 100 new evergreen Augments have been introduced, along with a range of item adjustments. Players can now reroll every Augment option in an Armory, including Legend Augments. New Ornn items, such as Blacksmith's Gloves and Trickster's Glass, bring unique benefits and tactics to the game. Shimmerscale items have also been adjusted, offering refreshed strategies and possibilities for players to explore.

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It is important to note that this article only mentions the highlights of TFT Patch 13.12. The Patch brings much more changes to the game. Click here to read detailed patch notes on the official website.