League of Legends Introduces Emerald Rank and Revamps Ranked System


Moin Khot


Jun, 09.2023

In a recent developer blog, Riot Games has unveiled significant changes coming to League of Legends' ranked mode, aiming to enhance the gaming experience for passionate players. The introduction of the new Emerald rank, positioned between Platinum and Diamond, promises a more balanced rank distribution. Additionally, Riot will remove promotional series, addressing long-standing complaints from the player base. These alterations seek to maintain the prestige of higher ranks while offering a smoother and more rewarding climb up the ladder.

Riot Games To Add Emerald Rank To Bridge Skill Gap

League of Legends enthusiasts can look forward to a thrilling ranked grind with the inclusion of the Emerald rank. Positioned between Platinum and Diamond, this new tier is expected to create a more equitable rank distribution across the player base. By avoiding a significant inflation in the Diamond rank, Riot Games aims to preserve the exclusivity and prestige that have characterized the highest ranks historically. The introduction of the Emerald rank will ensure that players' skill levels are accurately represented and recognized.

After years of player frustration, Riot Games has decided to remove promotional series from the ranked climb. These series, often accompanied by griefers and unfortunate streaks of bad luck, have been a constant source of anxiety and dissatisfaction for players. With this change, the stress associated with navigating promos will be eliminated, allowing players to rank up based solely on their LP (League Points). This move is a significant step toward streamlining the ranked experience and promoting a more enjoyable gameplay environment.

To further expedite the ranking process, Riot Games has reduced the number of placement games required. Players who have already completed their 10 placement games for the first split will only need to play five placement games for the second split of the year. This change not only accelerates the rank determination process but will also be implemented for the following year, enabling players to discover their rank in half the time compared to previous seasons. By minimizing the time investment required for placements, Riot Games aims to provide a quicker and more accessible experience for players.

Riot Games' extensive changes to the ranked system aim to improve both the accuracy of player rankings and the overall progression experience. By introducing the Emerald rank, Riot Games ensures a more balanced distribution across ranks, promoting a fairer matchmaking environment. Removing promotional series addresses a long-standing pain point for players, eliminating unnecessary stress and allowing for a smoother progression up the ladder. These adjustments, coupled with streamlined placement games, offer players a clearer path to their desired rank and foster a more engaging and rewarding gameplay experience.