You can now Dominate Draconic Tree Sentinel in Elden Ring


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Mar, 06.2023

An Elden Ring player may easily defeat the challenging Draconic Tree Sentinel boss with a simple tactic. Bosses abound in Elden Ring, and several of them are well-known online for driving players crazy with their challenging move sets to avoid. While there are some larger bosses, like Malenia and Radahn, often the smaller bosses are the ones that give players the most difficulties. It's not uncommon to run into difficulty with any of the hundreds of bosses in Elden Ring, whether it's because of an unfamiliar play style or incorrect stat point placement. 

One of the first real bosses a player in Elden Ring will likely encounter is The Tree Sentinel, who is brought up in front of them as soon as they enter the open world. These are already challenging, especially for new players who are pounded by their powerful strikes and trampled by the Tree Sentinel's horse later in the game, but there is another kind known as the Draconic Tree Sentinel. They possess potent draconic magic, which differentiates them from their counterparts by enhancing their melee-based attacks with more ranged ones. 

One player was having problems defeating a Draconic Tree Sentinel, notably the one that defends Leyndell, which can only be entered by defeating them or Fia's Champions. This gamer discovered a certain tactic there, which they then documented in a video and submitted on Reddit. A video submitted by user Popopooki depicts them employing spells and the Ash of War Carian Retaliation, a potent parry against the attacks of the Draconic Tree Sentinel that dispels incoming magic and transforms it into swords that shoot themselves back at the sender. Ashes of War can be helpful in situations where it takes some players six hours to defeat one of Elden Ring's Tree Sentinels. 

While some commenters commended the player for using the Ash of War, others remarked that the player's health was extremely low for facing such a formidable foe. In Elden Ring, vigour is a crucial stat that determines whether a player succeeds or fails, so it's crucial to level it up whenever you can. 

The variety of tools available in Elden Ring allows players to experiment and determine whether particular builds are viable for complete playing, despite the player's low vigour. One such instrument is Ashes of War, and effective use of one can result in success against invaders, groups of opponents, and even some of Elden Ring's most challenging monsters. It's usually wise to check for alternative options if one encounters failure.