After being outplayed in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0, Forsen became furious.


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Nov, 27.2022

On November 26, Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0, a recent release, was played by Twitch streamer Sebastian "Forsen." The producer of the content performed poorly in one of the rounds and was sent to the Gulag at the beginning of the game. Forsen lost his cool and voiced his anger at the battle royale's gameplay mechanics after being outplayed by an enemy employing just melee combat. 

Before launching into a tirade, the Swedish star explained furiously it was completely stupid that even after shooting four times the guy did not die. 

At the three-hour mark of his November 26 broadcast, the former Hearthstone professional touched down at Al Malik Airport. After being stream-sniped by multiple viewers, he was later slain by a gamer. 

Forsen acknowledged that the combat knife should be a one-hit kill given that it took up a weapon slot after reading some of his Twitch viewers' comments. He claimed that using any weapon's default melee action on a player should not cause more damage than the weapon itself. He said that the combat knife is supposed to be one-hit as it takes up a weapon slot. He continued to say " But the f***ing hitting the back of the pistol shouldn't deal more damage than the whole clip of the same f***ing pistol!" 

Here are a few additional pertinent fan responses: 



Forsen is one of the most recognizable figures in the streaming community and is largely recognized for his ability to play a range of video games. He began his Twitch career in 2016, and as of this writing, his channel has more than 1.6 million subscribers.