Next expansion the board game Spirit Island is here


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Oct, 31.2022

The crowdfunding campaign for Spirit Island's upcoming expansion has been started by Greater Than Games. Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate's BackerKit crowdfunding campaign, which offers players 8 new spirits to deter different colonists from constructing and growing upon their island, began earlier this month. Additionally, Nature Incarnate introduces Incarna, a novel feature that for the first time gives a Spirit a corporeal presence on the island. 

The wildly popular cooperative board game Spirit Island is about natural spirits who team up with the locals of an island to drive settlers away. Each spirit has unique inherent abilities that develop when they contribute their own Presence to the board, which is represented by unique tokens, throughout time. 

The settlers follow a predetermined path, first exploring, then colonizing, and finally establishing cities. While destroying cities requires more power than eliminating a single explorer, doing so rewards players with more Fear, which aids in game victory. The players lose the game if an island has too much blight from settlements. 

Three expansions for Spirit Island have so far been made available by Greater Than Games, each of which has included new systems and spirits to check out. Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate has a base pledge price of $55, with higher-level pledges available for those seeking premium extras or earlier game expansions. With more than two weeks left, the crowdfunding campaign has so far raised more than $818,000.