A Minecraft streamer surpasses his $25,000 fundraising target.


Srinanda Bhattacharyya


Oct, 25.2022

GoodTimesWithScar, also known as Scar, a Minecraft streamer, had set a target of raising $25,000 for the Gamer Outreach Foundation. But he received a wonderful surprise when he turned on his stream. 

The Gamers Outreach Foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps hospitalized kids by giving them access to video games so they can play and concentrate on their well-being rather than worrying about medical procedures, losing friends while in the hospital, or dreading the future. Gamers Outreach strives to bring happiness and normalcy back into the lives of sick children, the organization's mission statement reads. 

The charity's official website states, "We think that when kids can play, the world is a better place, and gamers can make a difference. With its accessibility and capacity to reach so many people, Twitch has been a source of charity streams that generate money for various organizations, such as Awesome Games Done Quick, but little did this streamer know how significant an impact he was going to have with the campaign. 

According to his Twitch "about" page, GoodTimesWithScar has a neuromuscular disorder that causes his muscles to be weak. He usually uses oxygen while being broadcast. Given that his circumstances are often regarded as unfair, GoodTimesWithScar has worked to cheer up his sizable and expanding online communities on YouTube and Twitch. Many content producers are working to spread goodwill due to the turmoil surrounding Twitch, particularly in relation to an update to the community guidelines that banned gambling. 

According to GoodTimesWithScar, "all the donations will go directly to the charity," and in the upcoming months, he will be "extremely upfront" about where viewers' money went and the difference it made. Despite the controversies on Twitch, there have been many beneficial additions to the site, such as a woman who gained 89,000 viewers after watching a wholesome video on TikTok thanks to it. On the Tiltify website, donations are still welcome.