Know About All Champion Easter Eggs at League of Legends' Spirit Blossom 2022 Trailer!




Sep, 20.2022

The new Spirit Blossom trailer of League of Legends was the official reveal for the next event having same name for release with patch 12.19. This event will commemorate Worlds 2022, just like Arcane from the last year. 

Fans are curious to know about the various champions getting skins at the event, as Riot Games have not yet disclosed any information as such. But with the arrival of the teaser, the community including popular lore experts like Necrit, dove into the same to look at Easter eggs. 

The teaser shows a lot of them and all the descriptions have been discussed in this article elaborately. 

Spirit Blossom is a significant as well as a fan favourite event in League of Legends. Its previous iteration in the year 2020 was successful and since then, Riot Games have failed to replicate the same. Thus, the expectations and hype regarding this event are high and fans have been waiting for a long time to get it back. 

The primary champion who was concentrated on during the trailer is Sett. Moreover, League of Legends clarified that Spirit Blossom 2022 would be about Sett's journey. He will also meet others during the journey and the trailer also provides some hints to those. 

Champion Easter eggs in Spirit Blossom 2022 trailer are as follows: 


In the trailer, players will see Sett crossing a small puddle of water. The puddle only reflects the moon, but as soon as Sett steps on it, the moon get divided into two crescent shapes. 

This is a direct connection to Aphelios and his sister Alune, who is also linked to the Lunari, the followers of the moon. However, the reason it might be linked to Aphelios is that one of the champion's weapons, the Crescendum, is also depicted by two crescent-shaped blades. 

2. Darius and Yorick 

These two champions' teaser is showed soon after Sett walks into the big garden. There is a massive axe with the face of a demon on the right and a purple-looking staff on the left. The axe is linked to Darius as this is his weapon of choice and perhaps, he is the only champion who wields the weapon in the game. 

The second egg is a purple shovel right in front of the shrine. Here people pray for the dead, which means the shovel might be linked to a champion who is linked to the same. The only champion in the game who is directly connected to this is Yorick.  

Besides this, Yorick has not received a new skin in ages which increases the chance of this prediction being true. 

3. Evelynn 

The trailer has a scene where Sett walks through a dark forest and a pair of eyes can be seen appearing out of nowhere. The eyes aren't enough to understand who the champion is but some predictions can be made.  

The style in which the eyes are presented confirms it to be a demon. However, in the League of Legends universe, the only demons are namely, Fiddlesticks, Nocturne and Evelynn. 

Fiddlesticks have already received a skin with Star Guardian, and Nocturne has an Elder Wood skin that matches simile esthetics. So, there is a huge chance that this is Evelynn's skin, though it might change. 

4. Tristana 

In the latest trailer, you will see a Yordle champion was also teased while Sett was on his journey. Only the back side of the champion was revealed, but it can be guessed to be Tristana. 

This is because the artwork does not match the other three, namely Lulu, Vex or Poppy. Apart from that, Teemo has already received a Spirit Blossom skin in 2020 event. 

5. Master Yi 

The trailer consists of a scene where Sett stands in front of a waterfall alongside another person bringing out a blade and sheathes it. This is probably a skin for Master Yi. This is because the game only has three champions who use swords exclusively. 

Among those three, Yasuo and Yone already have Spirit Blossom skins, leaving only Master Yi. 

6. Syndra 

This is the most prominent Easter egg in the trailer. The trailer shows a woman at one point with long hair and three white orbs revolving around her. This is the characteristic of only one champion in the game namely Syndra.