All reruns of the Genshin Impact banner: Ayaka, Venti, and Kazuha




Apr, 01.2022

With each new update, the Genshin Impact banners are regularly refreshed, enabling players to spend their Primogems on the most recent characters. While many Travelers will be trying to add Ayato to their lineups, a few 5-stars may be returning. 
Genshin Impact, like most gacha games, has repeats where previously released characters are made accessible again. This is especially excellent news for those who missed out on specific banners or didn't have enough Intertwined Fates. 
Fortunately, recent Genshin Impact banner leaks have provided us with some information on the impending replays as the community awaits the second half of update 2.6. 

Genshin Impact banner reruns 
The following might be the forthcoming Genshin Impact banner reruns:  

  • Venti  
  • Ayaka 
  • Kazuha 

So far, repetitions of the Ayaka, Venti, and Kazuha banners have been speculated ahead of the live telecast for Genshin Impact 2.6. During the initial part of the upgrade, however, only Venti received a banner repeat. It will be interesting to watch if Ayaka and Kazuha get their banner reruns during the second portion of update 2.6. 
Aside from these changes, Genshin Impact version 2.6 introduces Kamisato Ayato as the game's newest playable character. 
Venti banner rerun in Genshin Impact 

Venti banner rerun was revealed in version 2.6, so Genshin Impact fans are in for a treat. The Ballad in Goblets banner is presently active in the game, and you may use it to try to obtain the five-star rated Bow-wielding Anemo character in Genshin Impact. 
Venti, being reasonably adaptable support, generally performs well in team compositions with high DPS AoE damage dealers. However, if you need a supporting character to assist you to perform AoE combinations, you should consider conserving Primogems before the current banner repeat finishes. 
Ayaka banner rerun in Genshin Impact 

The live feed for Genshin Impact 2.6 has verified that an Ayaka banner replay will take place. With the debut of Ayato in update 2.6, there was a lot of speculation about the Cryo character's banner repeat in Genshin Impact. Ayaka's The Heron's Court banner will have a separate rerun during the second part of the Genshin Impact 2.6 update, as they are siblings according to the in-game narrative. 

Kazuha banner rerun in Genshin Impact 

Kazuha, another Anemo-based support character in Genshin Impact like Venti, is one of the game's meta-defining characters. A Kazuha banner rerun, like Venti, has been leaked by a data miner and may appear during the second part of update 2.6. 
Given that Kazuha is a highly powerful character who can be nearly unbeatable when teamed with a Main DPS and a Healer, you should save your Primogems in case the banner rerun is finally confirmed.