Rainbow Six Siege Update 2.19 unveils a new operator


Arunava Mandal


Mar, 18.2022

Ubisoft has released the Rainbow Six Siege version 2.19 patch notes for your review, and this is a significant one, ushering in the Demon Veil content for Y7S1. This update includes a new Operator, weapon balancing, and other improvements. A number of changes have been made to Outback in order to improve balancing and player comfort. Both the interior and exterior of the main building have been altered to allow Attackers to devise and execute more effective methods. In addition, the building has received new outside soft walls, and some places have been repaired and cleaned to remove garbage and improve lines of sight and balance.

The map has been updated to include the following new locations:

*1F Bike Repair and 1F Mechanic Shop have replaced 1F Convenience Store, 1F Compressor Room, 1F Gear Store, and 1F Beer Fridge.

*2F Office Supply is larger and features a soft wall on the outside.

*1F Restaurant is now divided into two sections: 1F Restaurant and 1F Shark.

*2F Covered Terrace, which connects the 2F Mezzanine and 2F Piano Room, is now an inside area. The stairwell in the 2F Piano Room has been demolished.


The following bombing locations have been relocated:

*Bombsites originally located in 2F Dorms and 2F Laundry have been relocated to 2F Laundry and 2F Piano Room.



With the release of Demon Veil, a new playlist including the classic game mode Team Deathmatch has been added. The Deathmatch playlist was made to allow players to warm up and improve their aim before competitive battles, as well as to provide a more leisurely gaming experience within Siege.



*Matches last 5 minutes or until one of the teams has eliminated 75 people.

*Time spent outdoors is limited (Operators are eliminated after 10 seconds).

*Changing Operators during a match is possible.

*Respawn is turned on.

*The ability to communicate with other players in-game has been disabled.

*Join in Progress is turned on.

*No, abandon sanctions.



*Irrespective of the team, players can choose an Attacker or a Defender.

*The Operator might be chosen by several players at the same time.

*With the exception of Glaz's Flip Sight, unique skills aren't available.

*Blitz, Montagne, and Clash Shield Operators, as well as Fuze's Ballistic Shield, are not accessible.

*The frag, stun, and impact grenades are all the same for both teams.

*Barricades, Reinforcements, Observation Tools, Drones, and Rappel are all now unavailable.

*Theme Park, Villa, and Favela are the three types of maps in this pool.



Bonus for the first win of the day

*When you win any PVP playlist game within 24 hours of the first match, you'll get extra Battle Pass Points.

*The clock starts with the first match and resets every day.


Update on the Battle Point Booster

*Boosters now reward you with a 30% bonus, a 10% bonus for your teammates, and a 30% bonus for a team with at least three active Boosters.

*The bonus can be stacked for a total bonus of 100 percent.