Battlefield 2042 maps are being reworked by DICE, and subsequent maps would be smaller


Arunava Mandal


Mar, 06.2022

Battlefield 2042 developer DICE updated gamers on important design improvements for the shooter in a blog post-Thursday morning, following a rocky launch phase. The studio claims to have uncovered several flaws throughout Battlefield 2042's maps — albeit these vulnerabilities are more obvious in some areas than others — and has announced modifications coming in season one to help ease the concerns and plans to construct smaller one’s levels.

Players have expressed dissatisfaction with the length of time it takes to get between Flags or from Base Spawn to Flag, hence traversing is one of the main concerns the team is investigating into. This is due to the addition of 128 players and the use of some of the largest maps the team has ever built as playspaces. While the wider maps provide more playspace and flexibility, DICE claims that "a side effect" is that gameplay is now spread out further, resulting in a long time to combat when it comes to completing the mission.

During its research, DICE claims to have uncovered issues with traversal, intensity, line of sight, routes, and cover in Battlefield 2042's maps. The game's maps are far too huge, and the target regions are dispersed far too widely. It takes far too long for players to travel from their starting point to the nearest objective, resulting in a significant amount of traversal time. Considering DICE's ambitions will take "significant development time," not all of the suggested modifications will be accessible in-game at the same time across all map libraries. The team has already begun incorporating "healthier behaviors" into new maps under development, but it is prioritizing updating old maps with an emphasis on the maps that require the biggest adjustments first. This includes Kaleidoscope on both Conquest and Breakthrough, where the initial updates will be available. The current intention is to keep Kaleidoscope updated during Season One. Following several delays, DICE stated on Tuesday that Battlefield 2042's next update, which will include a new scoreboard, will arrive next week.

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