Warzone Gets A New Anti-Cheat Update




Feb, 19.2022

Call of Duty: Warzone has been around for a while now and being a multi-platform Call of Duty game, there are tons of players playing it. Anyway, when it comes to PC, cheaters have always been an issue, and the devs have released massive ban waves, which have always ended up banning thousands of players. Normally, for the ban waves, you first have to note the cheaters, and then, ban them when the wave hits. So, there is no immediate remedy, but a delayed one. But, now, a new “anti-cheat” is being added to the game which would discourage cheaters, and make cheating kind of useless. This is happening in the form of the new Ricochet anti-cheat update.

So, what is this new update, and how does it work? Well, with this new update, the game will severely restrict the cheaters from ruining the experience of others. The developers are using a number of unique in-game mitigations for this. With the latest Ricochet anti-cheat update, there is this new concept called Damage Shield. What this does is that when a cheater is caught, instead of getting kicked from the game, the damage output of that player is significantly reduced.

This would leave the cheater vulnerable, and also allow TeamRICOCHET to collect all the necessary data of the cheater’s system. They would be tracking these encounters to ensure that there is no possibility for the game to apply this Damage Shield randomly, or by accident, and on non-cheating players. And, irrespective of the skill level of the player. TeamRICOCHET also states that they would never interfere in gunfights between the law-abiding members.

Cheating has always been an issue for Warzone, and for almost every popular MMO game on PC. Cheat makers are always trying to sneak past the latest anti-cheat measures, and they would try it again now, with this new anti-cheat update. Well, more anti-cheat measures are on the way, and all of these will just make Warzone, more playable, and enjoyable for the non-cheating players.