Players are hiding in some Battlefield 2042 buildings since DICE forgot to apply collision damage to them




Nov, 25.2021

Helicopters in Battlefield 2042 can hide in some odd spots. One of the numerous flaws and technical issues gamers have encountered in Battlefield 2042 since its release may be more amusing than alarming.

The maps of Battlefield 2042 are huge, dwarfing even the largest maps in the series to that point. This was done to accommodate 128 players, but it had unintended consequences. As players walk between capture sites, the maps include a lot of dead space and open regions with no cover.
Because of the emphasis on scale, the edges of maps have become less detailed, if not worse. DICE may have even forgotten to include collision boxes in some of those spots, according to Reddit user Darktoothone. This essentially means that buildings are not three-dimensional objects. To put it another way, players can phase through them at will as if they don't exist.

We can see that several of the skyscrapers on the Hourglass map are hollow in their video below. It was also used by one cunning helicopter pilot to conceal and wait for the auto-repair.
The Hourglass map isn't the only one with this issue. On Kaleidoscope, some skyscrapers have similar issues, while others merely bump vehicles about when players in air vehicles accidentally clip them.

Check to see if a helicopter is lurking in one of those collision-free structures the next time you lose track of them.