A Guide To Pokemon Unite And Essential Tips To Know Before Playing


Soumi Sarkar


Jul, 27.2021

The Pokemon Unite is a new MOBA from The Pokemon Company and there are plenty who describe it
as a match made in heaven. It is after partnering with Tencent they bring the tenured series to a whole
new world of competition. It is a game unlike anything but with a Pokemon name on it. It is a bit different
from the standard Pokemon game and being a fan you might have questions about the game. It is here we
would be looking to offer fans a handy guide on what to do in the quest to be successful on Aeos Island. 

Brief on MOBA
Fans will be constantly hearing of MOBA and this is a new term. The term stands for multiplayer online
batter arena. It is a competitive multiplayer format, which features two teams in a giant arena. Each of the
participating teams has five members. The objective of the MOBA match is to make sure that one team
makes its way across the map and up to the starting point of the other team. The team, which makes its
way, destroys towers in the lanes all along the way. They destroy the towers to gain more access to the
map. The winning team finally gains access to the opposition starting arena by destroying a final tower.  

How does Pokemon Unite approach this MOBA format? 
Pokemon Unite arenas are indeed slightly different and there are two lanes top & bottom. The total
section between the lanes is a wild area densely populated by AI Pokemon. There is no need to destroy
towers and the lanes are dotted with goals. The Pokemon score points here with the help of Aeos Energy,
which they have collected. The goals can be destroyed by scoring points. However, this one is unlike
other MOBAs, and victory is achieved by total points scored. There is no need to undertake any objective
destruction and there is scope to be a winner without having to destroy a single goal. There is an area
between two opposing goals and it is referred to as “Speed Flux Zone”. An opponent trapped in this zone
will see the speed slow until they have been able to make their way out.  They are prime targets of attacks
until they can escape. 
There are also varied Pokemon types ranging from All-Rounder, Attacker, Defender, and even Speedster
and a player need to score more goals to come out victorious. It should be easy and you will love the