Exploring The Details Of The Scaly Lads And Hairy Boys Of Total War: Warhammer 2's Last DLC


Soumi Sarkar


Jul, 03.2021

It has been a month since the announcement of the final DLC for Total War: Warhammer 2 and certainly
gaming fans are excited. The excitement build-up was steady and there are today some insights into what
it could be. Gaming fans will be delighted to know that the Creative Assembly has shared a closer look
and that is not all. There are also plans to give a free DLC alongside it. 
It should be exciting for fans who take a peek into the trailer of the first, paid DLC The Silence & the
Fury. One could see that the legendary lord Taurox the Brass Bull will get several new units for his roster:
doombull lords, wargor heroes. The beastmen army has also got a boost up with the introduction of
wargor heroes, tuskgor chariots, and two other monsters. These are some new characters who were
previously absent from the beastmen army and their inclusion has certainly made it more challenging.
There is also a winged Lewis Carroll nightmare beast included from the trailer.
The Silence & the Fury has another segment and it is a lizardmen army, which is led by led by Oxyotl the
Unseen. There have been some new troops included in this army in the form of skink oracle heroes,
chameleon stalkers, and another two monster units. Both these armies benefit significantly from the
inclusion of three additional regiments of renown as well, veteran versions of their units. 
In Warhammer 2's last DLC each of the legendary lords benefits from a campaign with their start
position. They also get to show some unique mechanics. Taurox earns momentum by his acts of slaughter
and also by razing cities. He has the scope to spend the earned momentum to extend his rampages. Oxyotl
is another significant character and it can sneak through enemy territory. It is deep inside the enemy
territory that Oxyotl will create silent sanctums on the map. Oxyotl can also expect a bonus XP for a fight
with his top enemy Chaos. 
There are also freebies included in Total War Access along with this aid DLC. In the words of Creative
Assembly, it is nothing short of a “massive free update”. The beastmen gets an addition in the form of
great bray shaman and ogre mercenaries. They can be recruited by all existing armies. Gaming fans have
the scope to hire a limited Ogres and at a hefty price. They can eat down anyone who does not pay the
fee. The Silence & the Fury along with the free DLC should see a release on July 14th.